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Warmer Game - "What Am I?"

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Hey guys, John from Cool English again, and today I have a great game that’s perfect as a warmer or to fill in a gap between more serious activities. I call it “What am I?” and it is an easier version of the riddle activity.

The students are presented with four clues, and they must guess what it is. You can set a time limit and each team with the correct answer gets a point or just have the first team to answer win the point.

There are basic, intermediate, and advanced levels and 8 questions per level.

For homework, I ask the students to create 3 of their own, each with 4 clues. In the next class, they present them to the other students or to me if it is a private student.

I hope you find this useful and as always let me know if you have any feedback or doubts.


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