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Pick your Plan

Find one that works for you

  • Most Popular


    Every month
    1 Account - perfect for most teachers, full access, no ads.
    • Access to all content
    • Never any ads
    • Share activity links with all your students
    • Cancel anytime
    • New activities added every week
    • Advanced customer support
  • Standard annual

    Every year
    1 Account - perfect for most teachers, full access, no ads.
    • Access to all content
    • Never any ads
    • Share activity links with all your students
    • Cancel anytime
    • New activities added every week
    • Advanced customer support
  • Group Combo

    Every month
    5 Accounts - perfect for groups who need multiple accounts.
    • Access to all content
    • Never any ads
    • Share activity links with all your students
    • Cancel anytime
    • New activities added every week
    • Advanced customer support
    • 5 separate accounts with full access
  • Group Combo Annual

    Every year
    5 Accounts - perfect for groups who need multiple accounts.
    • Access to all content
    • Never any ads
    • Share activity links with all your students
    • Cancel anytime
    • New activities added every week
    • Advanced customer support
    • 5 separate accounts with full access
  • School Combo Monthly

    Every month
    50 Accounts - for large schools or businesses
    • Access to all content
    • Never any ads
    • Share activity links with all your students
    • Cancel anytime
    • New activities added every week
    • Advanced customer support
    • 50 separate accounts with full access
  • School Combo Annual

    Every year
    50 Accounts - for large schools or businesses
    • 50 separate accounts with full access

All plans auto renew, and can be cancelled at any time in members settings.

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